Career Path
Like many photographers I did not always want to be a photographer. Previous jobs have included working in the NHS, working around issues of Domestic Abuse, Anti-Racism, Lecturing and Young Parents.
What I Love
I love photography's ability to transport you back to a time in history. Some of my favourite photos are random photos taken on whim, my grandparents skyping their grandson in the UAE (yes Skype was the thing then). I love producing imagery that I then see in the public domain, it feels like an honour.
Multi Genre
I cover different genres because I like the variety of doing different things every day. My IG often has the hashtag #everydaydifferent. I am at the point in my career where I understand composition, light and shadows, framing and relationships. These are the bones of most types of imagery, whether for a commercial project or sports commission.
Over a decade
I have now been a full time photographer for over a decade. My work has brought me to different countries, enabled me to meet and work with people and at events I used to watch as a youngster on tv and earn a living doing something I love. I now shoot, lecture at a number of Uni's / Colleges and mentor / teach emerging photographers. See my Patreon site.